Monday, 29 August 2011

Trying to stay calm.

Trying to stay calm in a rising tide of lack of sleep, unfinished BAS for the art shop, unpaid bills, mortgage payments due & not enough cash flow (funny how those 2 always seem to travel in a pair), sick mother, messy (but clean) house, demanding but loveable children, strange sounding car engine, frustrated creativity due to lack of time, not enough time, general sense of panic that there's something/s I urgently should have done but now have no idea what they are, pregnant dog, house in need of repairs, I'm sure there's a birthday in there somewhere, oh and the Tooth Guy forgot to take teeth AND leave money!!!(we had simultaneous tooth loss in both the 5 and 10 year old - a somewhat rare event but not Guinness worthy - & yes, we have a guy instead of a fairy and whilst the two aren't mutually exclusive we prefer not to indulge in name calling (unless it's really really funny).

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